Thursday, October 10, 2019

Musing #95 - Let Go of the Doorknob

My mom and I were on our way back from a pleasant drive together. A cup of French vanilla iced coffee sat securely in its holder, reminding us of our stop at Dunkin' Donuts; in the trunk bags of fresh, crispy apples awaited the canning jars. Music slipped from the speakers, mixing with our voices.
Suddenly, we passed a billboard - a billboard whose words spoke in volumes to me. To paraphrase those words (as I don't remember them exactly): "God wants to open more doors in your life, so let go of the doorknob."
Mom smiled. "Let go of the doorknob," she repeated. "It reminds me of that story of the Israelites, how they didn't want to leave Egypt as they believed they were going to die in the wilderness."
Like always, Mom is right. The Israelites didn't trust God enough to loosen their hold on the "doorknob" and cheerfully follow Him wherever He led them. But also . . . Isn't it like me? Feeling comfy in the familiar, knowing where each day is going to find me. Then, suddenly, God is saying, "I've got something so much better in mind for you, but you have to be willing to move past your past, to trust Me and let Me guide you." 
It's hard at times. While God keeps giving me glimpses of all He has behind the doors that He's opening, there're times that I find myself doubting, wondering if it's worth it. Wondering what it would've been like if things had happened differently. Wondering why I can't go back.
Yet, you know what? I'm safe. I'm fine. No matter what happens, He's got me. And His plan is so much better than my own. 
It's time to uncurl my fingers from that doorknob, square my shoulders, and march boldly forward.
Because I am His, and I'm choosing, with His help and strength, to trust Him. Always. Fully.
He loves me, and He loves you. <3

Click this video to listen to "Already There" by Casting Crowns.
This song is amazingly good, and I pray God uses it to bless you as He did me. 


  1. Why don't we "let go of the doorknob" more often? Why is it so hard to just simply trust Him in guiding us? Why is it hard to trust Him in everything? We need to take action and have FAITH. A lot more faith than we do now.

  2. This is such a beautiful post, Ellie--both aesthetically and in its message. This post is going to be my devotional for the day. ;)

  3. Hi Ellen! I just wanted to say congratulations on getting a baby sister! I need to let go of the doorknob I need to more often than I do. I also need to open up my hands, they hold my hopes and dreams. I need to open my fists and let the Lord take all of my hopes and dreams and do His will NOT my will. It is like the doorknob. I need to be more willing to let Him open up the doors to my life. And I need to trust Him and not look back.


Let's talk! Did this post inspire any musings of your own?