Thursday, May 28, 2020

Answers To the Q&A! (Part 4)

Only two parts left to this Q&A! *smiles* It's been a lot of fun; we'll have to do it again sometime soon (maybe a 2021 edition or something?). Thank you, Laura, Elate, Jemima, and Emma for asking the following questions. They're amazing!

Does your family have any pets/animals? Yes, we have a hamster named Harmony. =)

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? Honestly, I'd stay where I'm at right now. Besides being born and raised here, I'm close to many of my relatives. Most importantly, God chose this specific location long ago to place me in. :)

What is one book you will NEVER read again? Wow, like that emphasis on "never." XD I'd have to say my answer to this question would probably be Grace Unplugged by Melody Carson, or perhaps Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter

What is a dream you had as a little girl? (Like around 5 or 6 years old) Eeks, I had SO many dreams at that age. I often imagined myself nursing patients (I think every little kid's dream is to become a doctor), meeting my favorite princess (Cinderella), and catching imaginary fairies in small cages. I would spread my arms out and skip all around the room as I daydreamed, earning the nickname from my parents that sticks to this day: their little butterfly. :D

Do you have any celebrities you wish you could meet? Unless Lucille Ball or Don Knotts is considered a celebrity, then no, I don't think I do.

Do you like playing cards? Sometimes, yes. I like the games thirty-one and bologna. :)

What is one out-of-the-ordinary animal that you like? (E.G. not a dog or cat) Hmm, probably a penguin. :D

What is one tip you would give about how NOT to do creative writing? Wow! Didn't see this one coming. *scratches head* Difficult question, indeed. I think most authors are looking for how to do creative writing, not how not to do it. I guess . . . hmm . . . maybe . . . . I don't know. XD

What is the book or movie character you identify most with? Again, not sure. ;) Maybe Melinda Carter? 

What Christian song do you feel has the most needed and meaningful message for today? "Oh My Soul" by Casting Crowns.

Who is your favorite classic author? (Like C.S. Lewis, Charles Dickens . . .) Probably Martha Finley.

What is a keyword in your current writing project? (forgiveness, love, etc.) Hope.

What's your favorite movie? "The Apple Dumpling Gang." :)

If you couldn't be a writer/editor, what passion would you pursue? English teacher, mom, and best friend. :)

Why do you like music, specifically? Music does wonders for the soul. I'm kinda a nervous person who also can't stand having complete silence. I need something, and my music is the perfect go-to. Organized, uplifting, and always pointing me back to Christ. Ahhh . . . 


You share a bedroom with your sister. Nope, I have my very own room! :)

You like to write fiction. Absolutely!!!!!!!!!! <3

You play the piano. (Ok, that is a pretty safe guess because most homeschoolers do! :D) Well, sorry to disappoint you, Jemima, but I'm one of those homeschoolers who does not play the piano. XD

You don't like Disney songs. Some Disney songs are okay, but yes, I prefer listening to my playlist by writers/singers like Casting Crowns, The Afters, MercyMe, etc. 

And . . . it's a wrap!! Tomorrow I'll be replying to the final batch of questions, so be sure to check back! <3


Ellen S.


  1. AnonymousMay 28, 2020

    You should learn how to play the piano. That away, you could eventually play the songs you like to hear. The "Scarlet Letter" is a book I don't plan on reading again, except for history.

    1. Yeah, I know. Maybe at some point. :)

  2. Great answers! Can't wait 'til tomorrow, I've been loving these posts! ;D


    1. Awww, thank you so much, Rhoda! <3

  3. That was fun! I'm glad i'm not the only one who does not play piano! XD

    1. Thanks! Yep, you're not. I'm glad to know that, too. *laughs*

  4. fun questions!! ohhh I remember Grace Unplugged... definitely not my favorite either....
    and you're not the only homeschooler who doesn't play the piano! I always feel like i'm one of the only ones xD

    1. Thank you!
      Ah, good to know. ;) Thanks! <3

    2. lol Victoria! I do piano bees it is not a choice in my house.

  5. This was so fun to read!!! I also can't play piano. But my sis, Annalise, is an AMAZING piano & cello player :) She never took piano lessons; she just tinkers around till she figures out how to play a song. And I sit there like, WOW!! She took cello for over a year, but then we moved, and she stopped, and now with this COVID who knows when she can again.....? Sorry, I'm just, like, bragging on her ;P
    LOL great post Ellen!! ~Caitlyn

    1. Thanks! LOL, that's fine. ;) Good for her!

  6. I love seeing your answers, Ellen!!! So fun!!! Don Knotts is one of my favorites too!!! If he's in an old movie, I am pretty much certain it's going to be a fun, hilarious movie XD (I especially LOVE his roll in the Andy Griffith Show *winks*).
    I used to take piano, and really liked it (maybe you should try it sometime since you love music), but then stopped and started taking voice lessons--which I ABSOLUTELY LOOOOVE! 😊
    I can't wait for the next part!❤

    1. Thanks, Gracie!! Same here. ;)
      Yes, I might take up piano lessons again sometime in the near future. :) That's so cool that you're learning voice! *smiles*

  7. AnonymousMay 28, 2020

    I thought that you would play piano! Didn't see that one coming! :D This is a lot of fun! (Haven't I said that like, three times already? :/ XD)

    1. He-he. ;) ;) ;)
      So glad you're enjoying the Q&A series, Elate! (I am too.) :D

  8. Hey Ellen! I love your answers! I took piano lessons for six, seven, or eight years... I can't really remember lol. It's really fun. You should consider giving it a try... or any other instrument, if you don't already play a different one 😜. By the way... I love your name!!!

    ~Bailey |

    1. Thanks, Bailey!! Yep, definitely something to consider. :) Maybe someday . . .
      Awww, thank you! I like your name, too. =)
      So glad you dropped by. Have a blessed rest of your day! <3

  9. FUN!!!!!!
    (I was going to say something about playing piano but I won't. Everyone else has *wink*)

    1. Yes!! 😊
      Haha, thanks. Appreciate that. 😉


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