Saturday, February 1, 2020

She's Here!!

Everyone, meet Ruby Jane, our precious little gem who was born yesterday at 8:14 A.M. 

The first visit!!!!!!!!!!

Right after delivery. :-)

Thank you all SO VERY MUCH for the prayers!! Mom and Baby are doing wonderfully. Ruby Jane entered the world weighing 7 lbs. 15 oz. (A big, beautiful baby!) Dad took my sibs and me to see her and Mom in the hospital yesterday evening. 😍 Again and again we see God's hand in our lives, and we are beyond grateful!  

Happy (belated) birthday, Ruby Jane!! I am so proud to be your sister! 💕 


  1. She looks SO healthy! Praising God for His greatness. Isn't it amazing how God created sweet Ruby Jane in His image! He looked at the earth and said "I need a Ruby Jane"

  2. Oh my goodness! She's SO precious! <3

  3. CONGRATULATIONS, Ellen!!! What a treasure! She's such a beautiful baby, and I'm praising God with you. ♥♥♥ Ahhhh!!!

  4. Congratulations!! She is so precious! I’m so glad everything went well!!

  5. Congratulations! She is SO cute! :D <3 <3 What a darling! <3 <3 <3

  6. Congratulations to all. Welcome to the world Ruby Jane.
    God Bless All

  7. SHE'S BEAUTIFUL. I love the pictures so much. <3

    Congratulations, sweet friend!!

  8. AWW, that is so exciting, Ellen! I'm very happy for you. Praise the Lord!!!!! :D <3

    1. Thanks, Rosy! 💕 Yes, PRAISE THE LORD!

  9. SHE. IS. ADORABLE! If I had decided to come back from my blogging break earlier, this would have been the reason. So happy for your family!

    1. Thank you, thank you, Lilly!! 💕
      BTW, it's great to hear from you again! I've missed reading your comments. :-) I hope you enjoyed your blogging break!

  10. Shes so cute! Congrats!

  11. Congratulations!!!
    She is so beautiful!

  12. What an ADORABLE baby!!!!!! *heart melts*
    And, Ellen! I am so blown away! My baby sis--Abigail Jo Faith was born Jan. 31 2020 tooooooo!!!!! That is so cool that our sisters share the same birthday!!!!!!!
    ~Grace Hammond~
    P.S. I love the pic of your little sister holding Ruby Jane! *heart eyes*

    1. Thank you, Grace!! That's amazing that our littlest sisters share a birthday. :) I love her name, by the way! <333

    2. Yeah, I think it's so cool!! And thank you about her name! There's a bit of a story about her name, so I'll make it quick. *winks*
      My dad really wanted the name 'Jo' in her name for the nickname 'Abby Jo', and so did my mom. But 'Faith' was a second option. And after my little sister landed in the NICU for eleven days, we were all VERY worried and we had to have faith in God during that very traumatic experiance. Thus, the name 'Faith' had to be included, right alongside 'Jo'. I think it's super cool that she has two middle names. As the youngest, it makes her stand out in our family!
      ~Grace Hammond~

    3. Oh wow, that's super interesting and totally a God-thing! *smiles* I'm glad your sister is well now and has such a meaningful story behind her name. <3 Thanks for sharing!

  13. Saw this again, she is SO PRECIOUS!!!! *heart eyes*


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