Wednesday, February 5, 2020

New Keychains!

Last week, I received the sweetest bookmail from Etsy seller Aleigha C. Israel. (She makes some amazing bookworm goodies, so be sure to check out her shop, Literary Treasures Co., ASAP.) I obtained Mrs. Marlow's permission to use the cover flat for Tales from Memory Creek Ranch, then asked Aleigha if she wouldn't mind doing a custom order for two Memory Creek keychains. She agreed, and so now I'm able to hold my very most favorite book . . . right in my palm!

A keychain in the hands of my two-year-old sister. 
Notice how sweet and tiny that little book is!

Have you read Tales from Memory Creek Ranch? If so, what's your favorite story from the book? 
(BTW, just sayin', but I have an extra keychain, so there might be a giveaway in store for later . . .)


  1. Oh, that's so cool, Ellen! Now you have a book wherever you go. :-)

  2. Wow! So cool! :-)
    Is there pages in the middle?

    1. No, everything except the covers are made of wood. :-)
      Thanks for commenting, Ellie!

  3. That is so cute! I want one.

  4. Hi. My name is Cynthia. I recently found your blog and I love it. Congrats on your baby sister! I love the bookmark.♥️. - Cynthia

    1. Hi Cynthia!! Aw, thank you!!! ♥️ I am so glad God led you to my little blog of "musings," and I pray He uses the posts you find here to bless you! :-)


Let's talk! Did this post inspire any musings of your own?