Friday, February 21, 2020

Book Buddy Collab Tag with Sandrina

Hey guys! I have to say, I'm super excited about today's post. Kaitlyn @ Kaitlyn Krispense, Author did this tag over on her blog, and I thought, Oh, my! That looks like a lot of fun. So, when my sweet friend, Sandrina, offered to "collab" with me, I immediately agreed. 
Sandrina and I have been email/pen-pals since 2018, and we've had multiple opportunities to Skype together. I feel like I know her reading preferences pretty well, but there are some questions in this tag that I'm not altogether certain I'll get right. The only ones I'm sure about are #1 and #10 (maybe). 
Well, only one way to find out . . . and that's to begin! (and please be warned that there may be a large use of asterisks in this post. Oh, and my first-ever time using GIFs, all from a favorite TV series of mine, The Andy Griffith Show. *smiles*)


- Thank the blogger that tagged you. Link back to the creator.
- Pick a bookish friend to do the tag with you and contact them.
- Coordinate so that your bookish buddy posts their part of the tag on the same day as you. Be sure to link their post/blog to yours!
- Answer the questions given. Comment on your buddy's post to let them know how well they answered!
- Tag five other bookish bloggers and give them a set of 10 new questions. 


1. Who's your buddy's favorite author? Hm, I'm going with John J. Horn. :-)

2. What's their favorite trope? Uhhhhhh . . . *mind draws a complete blank* I actually have no idea. Maybe . . . the main character getting injured and searching for healing? 

3. What's (one of) their all-time favorite books? Fawkes by Nadine Brandes.

4. When is their favorite time of day to read? I'm gonna say nighttime.

5. What is their favorite book-to-move adaption? Um. *eyes grow wide* I don't think we've ever discussed that before. Oh, oh, wait! *claps hands* On our most recent Skype call, she mentioned liking the new Little Women movie. Let's use that.

6. What is their favorite nonfiction book? I have absolutely no clue. *groans* Okay, I already feel like I'm blundering, and we still have four questions left to go! I know she really liked Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, and . . . another book by Chad Williams, I think his name was. But (unlike me) Sandrina reads a bunch of nonfiction. How can I know the one book she liked best? *scurries to Goodreads* *finds nothing helpful* *inserts the second GIF*

7. What are three of their favorite book covers? Beloved by Kaitlyn Krispense, Fawkes by Nadine Brandes, and . . . (can I change the question to two favorite book covers?? XD) . . . ah! got it! A book from the Eagle of the Ninth series.

8. Do they prefer series or standalones? Series.

9. What movie or TV show reminds them of their favorite series? AGH! You're kidding! *buries face in hands* *drums fingers on keyboard* *stares at the wall* I'm about to take a sheer guess, but could it possibly be . . . a How To Train Your Dragon movie?

10. Are they a stay-up-until-morning-to-finish-the-book person, or a sleep-is-too-important person? Definitely the former, stay-up-until-morning-to-finish-the-book person. :D

Welp, there you have it! Be sure to check out Sandrina's blog to read her answers. :D (Eeks, can't wait to see how well either one of us did on this!)

Now, I tag: Brooklyn, Emma, and the first three commenters on this post who have a bookish buddy and want to do this!! :-)

The questions:

1. Who's your buddy's favorite main character?
2. What's their least favorite genre?
3. Do they prefer contemporary or historical fiction?
4. Can your buddy listen to music while they read?
5. Is your buddy a read-the-book-in-one-sitting person, or a I'll-read-this-later person?
6. What is your buddy's favorite villain?
7. What is one of their least favorite books?
8. Where is your buddy's favorite place to read?
9. Is your buddy someone who can pick at all the faults in a book, or just read it, enjoy, and ignore the faults?
10. What's the thing that annoys them most in books?


Ellen S.


  1. Hey there! This was so much fun. (for anyone wondering, yes, I'm Sandrina.) okay, yes, number one you got right 😉. Number two... I'll give you that, but if I had to answer I'd probably say sibling/brother bond's. Three, Fawkes, yes, one of my favourites, but I think The Boy Colonel wins first place. (which you still haven't read *cough*). Four, yep. Five, not really. I enjoyed Little Women, but my answer to this question is definitely The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings trilogy, and/or Disney's The Chronicles of Narnia films. Six... XD, it is true, I have a lot of favourite non-fiction. Do Hard Things, Bold and Broken, Living among Lions, this Changes Everything, Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus... Book covers, YES Fawkes for sure, Bold and Broken, I know I had a third--but I can't think of it. Oh! Right. My editions of Lord of the Rings have beaa covers. Question eight... Well, it depends. I don't know the answer to question nine! Ten--you got it! I can't wait for you to wake up and see how I did!

    1. YES!!! It was SUPER fun. Thanks again for "collabing" with me, m'friend!
      LOL, well, I did better than I'd thought I did. ;D
      Heading over to your blog now! :-)

  2. *Please skip me for the tag*

    Those answers are so fun to read. :-) Sound like you did a pretty good job. :-)

    I'll head over to Sandrina's blog to see her answers. :-)

    1. Thanks, Lilly! Yep, they were really fun to answer. :-)

  3. BookWorm3,000February 21, 2020

    I love the Andy Griffith Show! I've seen all of the black-and-white episodes. :-D

  4. This looks like so much fun!!!
    Unfortunately, I don't have a blog, and my book buddies aren't available right now, so I waited until there were more than 3 comments, to comment myself ;-) (I could answer for myself I suppose, but I don't think that's allowed???)


    P.S. I love the GIFs! XD
    And I watch Andy Griffith too!:D

    1. It sure is! :-)
      Hey, that's fine. I originally clarified in the post that the first three commenters who both wanted to do this AND had a bookish buddy would be tagged. :-) (But sure, you can answer the questions here in the comments if you want to!)
      LOL, awesome!!! :D

  5. So much fun! Sadly I done have a friend who blogs, but it looks fun! Great guesses!

  6. This is a super cool tag! I can't wait to do it. :D Thanks for tagging me!
    ~Brooklyn |
    PS. how's your baby sis doing? The pictures of her are just too cute!!! <3

    1. Hey Brooklyn! Of course!! I can't wait to see your answers! :D
      Ruby Jane is doing WONDERFULLY. She's already getting so big! <3
      Thanks for commenting! :-)

  7. Lacey (Lilly W's sister)February 25, 2020

    Great answers. It was interesting to see how well you know your friend.:-). By the way, congratulations on winning Mrs. Marlow's contest. I loved reading your story!

    1. Thank you so much, Lacey!! Your comment brightened my day. :-) To God be the glory! <3


Let's talk! Did this post inspire any musings of your own?