Tuesday, February 18, 2020


M'friends, we have a new member of the family. Her name is Harriet. She's warm, and fuzzy, and so, so small. Can you guess what she is? *all the smiles* 

Yep, a teddy bear hamster! For a (belated) birthday present for one of my sisters, our parents bought this new little pet. :-) My sister named her Harriet after Mrs. Oleson from Little House on the Prairie.
Welcome to the family, Harriet!

Is this exciting news or what?! Comment below and tell me if you have any tips or tricks for taking care of hamsters. :D


Ellen S.


  1. So cute! <3 I see why they call them teddy bear hamsters. :D

  2. So cute! And I love the name, haha.

  3. Awh! I have had 3 hamsters in my life, and want another one SO bad! My first hamster, Bianca, was a teddy bear hamster, and then our last 2, Fern and Buttercup were DJ hamsters (A type of hamster that are super small). I hope Harriet does well for you! Her name is SO cute!!!!!! <3

    1. That's so cool, Brooklyn! (And I love their names!)
      Thanks for commenting! :D

  4. So cute! No tips, I don't have a hamster :-)

  5. What an interesting name for a hamster. She's cute. I don't have any tips/tricks for taking care of a hamster. Now if it was a dog, cat, guinea pig, fish, or maybe some types of livestock, I may have advice there. :-)

    1. LOL, you'd have to watch an episode of Little House to understand why my sister picked the name. :-)
      Thanks for commenting. Lilly!

    2. Which episode? (If you know.) I probably seen the episode when I was younger.

    3. Any with Mrs. Oleson. :-) Some of my favorite episodes with her would probably be "The Creeper," "The Camping Trip," "Bunny," and "The Race." :-)
      Little House on the Prairie would not be same without good ol' Harriet Oleson! (Or her daughter, Nellie, for that matter.) :D

    4. Oh, yes. I remember a few of those episodes, now that I think about it.


  6. Aw, she’s really cute! I like how you all named her Harriet after Mrs Olsen, I love Little House on the Prairie! We’ve never had a hamster but we used to have gerbils. We accidentally got a boy and a gurl instead of two boys and soon we had 22! But that was a long time ago. Have fun with her!!!

    1. Thanks, Laura!
      Oh, my, what?? That's so funny!
      Thank you for sharing! :-)

  7. So cute! (Hmm, I'm the 4th person to say that... I'll say something else :P) adorable!
    I've never had a hamster, so no tips here, but I'm sure y'all will do a great job taking care of her :-)

    I love her name :D


  8. I Love the name! XD

    ~Jacie~ thebiglifechange.blogspot.com

    1. Thanks, Jacie! Are you a Little House on the Prairie fan? :-)

    2. Yes! I have watched all the seasons! ^_^

  9. I love the name "Harriet the hamster!"
    I am definatly a Little house on the prairie fan!


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