Monday, February 10, 2020


It's time for a fun giveaway!! 
Tales from Memory Creek Ranch was published in February of 2019. Soon after its release, Mrs. Marlow hosted a Valentine's Day giveaway for the book (and yes, I stole the above graphic from her post). 
Now, nearly a whole year later, I'm hosting a giveaway of my own . . . but this time for a Memory Creek keychain
A few pics of the prize:

You guys excited yet?? I know I am. These keychains are the CUTEST, and I look forward to sharing one of my "literary treasures" with a certain blessed winner.
Right, time for the rules. 
This giveaway runs from Monday, February 10th, to Friday, February 14th, 2020, and it is open to USA residents only. To enter, you can:

Follow me (via either blogger or email)
Comment below and tell me what your favorite story is from Tales from Memory Creek Ranch

One final note: be sure to let me know how many entries I should credit you for. If you follow me but don't clarify that you did so for the giveaway, you won't be entered in the drawing.

And . . . that's it! Have fun, and good luck! 

Ellen S.


  1. That's so fun! I follow you! I haven't read the book yet but hope to get it soon!:D


    1. So am I entered in the giveaway??😁😁 Even though I havent read the book.

  2. I ama following you but I have not read or have Memory Creek Ranch...

    1. So . . . put you down for one entry? :-)

    2. Thank you! I just re read it and saw that it is either or both! Not one or the other.
      God bless, SawyerMarie

  3. Hi Ellen! Im SUPER excited for the giveaway!! :-)

    - I already follow you,
    - And my favorite story in the book is "peaches, peaches everywhere"

    Thankyou for doing this!!!

    1. Hi Ellie! (I'm excited too!! :D)
      Hurrah! Thank you so much! Two entries for you. :-)

  4. that is such a cool giveaway! <3


    1. Thank you!! <3
      I noticed you followed me . . . are you entering the giveaway?

    2. well I haven't read any of the books

    3. You can enter by simply following me, and/OR by reading the book and letting me know what your favorite story is. So it's up to you. :-)

    4. ok! well I am following you but I don't have the book(or is it books?) =)
      You don't have to enter me just because I don't have the book so somebody that has the book can get it :) but if you want to you can enter me

  5. I’ve never read it but the keychain is adorable!

    1. YES. <3
      Thanks for commenting, Laura! :-)

  6. Hey, Ellen!
    I wanted to enter just after you posted this, but I only just got an email account (or address? I honestly don't know what it's called...) and haven't ever entered a giveaway before (or commented on your blog, but I've been reading since you started it), so I was kinda scared (though I don't know what's scary about giveaways...) I think I'll enter (if you're reading this I did ;-) ) so here goes...
    My favorite story is "Andi Had a Little Lamb" (but I love all of them <3)
    And I don't really know how to follow, but I'll try, and if you get a sunset picture following you today, that's probably me :-).

    P.S. sorry about all the parentheses, I didn't realized I use them so much, I hope it still made sense :-).

    1. Hi Rhoda!!! Thanks so much!!
      That's my favorite Andi story as well (shh!). And yep, you're now successfully following Ellen's Musings. :-)
      (LOL, that's all right. Parentheses are amazing. :D)

      p.s. I love your Blogger profile pic! :-)

  7. Yay!! Following was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be :D

    Thanks! It took a long time to get all the books to fit in one picture, but I think it was worth it :-)


  8. Hi Ellen! I just followed you via email, and I my favorite story is probably The Shooting Lesson.
    Thanks for hosting this giveaway! I love Mrs. Marlow's books, too. :)

    -Sadie S.

    1. Hi Sadie!! Thanks so much for stopping by little blog of "musings," and for entering the giveaway! You have two entries. :-)


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