Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving Day 2020

2020 has been a crazy year. Corona. Lockdowns. The messy presidential election. But through all of it, God has instructed His children to REJOICE and GIVE THANKS. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) 

Today I'm especially grateful for answered prayers. Some of these prayers are years old, with others lifted up more recently. To name just a few:

Ruby had a healthy delivery into this world and is continuing to thrive. Her laughter is the sweetest thing ever. <3

God showed me in His own time when, where, and how to publish The Whispers God Gives. He's allowed me to see the impact my book has made on others.

After experiencing belly spasms for a number of years and trying to fight back with prayer, pills, doctor's appointments, and diets, I finally realized one of the main factors behind the problem: a food allergy to corn in any form (kernel, flour, starch, syrup, etc.). Adjusting to life without corn is difficult at times, but also so very worth it. The difference in my health has been amazing.

Image found online.

Growing relationships with my siblings. :D

Being able to get away for a few days. 

. . . and so, so much more!! 

Through the comments, your own social media site, email, or private thought, I encourage y'all to join me in counting the many blessings God has given us even amidst this 2020 chaos. What are some prayers He's answered? How has He grown you through this trying time? Let's make it a point to remember not only to thank Him today, but also every day we have His breath in us. <3
Happy Thanksgiving, friends! 

Ellen S.


  1. Thank you for this post Ellie! <3 God has blessed us!

  2. Love it! Oh, I have friends allergic to corn. Happy thanksgiving!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you!!! 💙💙💙

  4. Happy Thanksgiving Ellen! 🤗

  5. I love this!! :) Happy Thanksgiving, girl!! <3 <3

  6. I love this, girl!! <33 Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Aw, I'm so glad. Thank you! 💗


Let's talk! Did this post inspire any musings of your own?