Saturday, November 14, 2020

Book Review // "Fair in War" by Perry Elisabeth Kirkpatrick

Please note that the following review is for book #8 in Mrs. Kirkpatrick's The Accidental Cases of Emily Abbott series. To see my review(s) for previous books, click HERE


She expected popcorn and cheap prizes -- not a front-row seat to crime and conspiracy...

When Brent's brother Carter, unexpectedly arrives in Phoenix bearing important intel, Brent disappears into their world of espionage and world-saving, leaving Emily feeling left out. Telling herself she doesn't really belong in their world anyway, she determines to enjoy her afternoon at the state fair with Izzy.

But as she sees more and more familiar faces in the crowds and among the vendors, and when Izzy is arrested by security on trumped-up charges, it becomes clear something more is going on. She's never been happier to accidentally run into Brent Peterson, but finding Izzy might come down to her own determination more than either of them expect.



I've been waiting and waiting and WAITING for this moment, when I could finally read Emily's 8th accidental adventure and watch her and Brent's relationship deepen just an eensy, weensy bit more. *happy squeals* 

Fair in War deals with a slightly harder case for our spies: human trafficking. As soon as Brent acknowledged this, I could feel my skin prickle. But I think Mrs. Kirkpatrick handled the topic well, and I *cough, cough* loved seeing the returns of some very important characters from previous books who, to prevent spoilers, will remain unnamed in this review. ;) My age recommendation for reading Fair in War would probably be 13 years and older, or younger with parental guidance. 

Aaaaand now . . . I would try to end with a flourish, but that'll only take up the time that could be spent READING THIS BOOK. So, c'mon already! Grab your copy (whether it be in paperback or Kindle edition), find a comfy spot to curl up in (I did this while on an eight-hour road trip w/ my family), and begin! ((oh, and be prepared for a nasty cliffhanger at the end. *wink, wink*))


Amazon || Goodreads || Mrs. Kirkpatrick's author website

I'd love to know: have you read any of the Emily Abbott books? If so, which one(s) did you like best? 

Ellen S.


  1. I read this book and I loved it! I’m so waiting for number 9!!!!!

  2. Awww! I love all your posts!!!!

  3. Yes! I literally waited 5 months for this book. :-) I wouldn't say it was my favorite out of them all, (book 7 was BRILLIANT!) but chapter 5....and the epilogue! *shudders*

  4. So... I haven't read any of the Emily Abbott books. *hides* But it is definitely a series I plan on enjoying!!! *wink*

    (Though a nasty cliffhanger at the end may be more than I can bear...)

    1. Ooh, I think you would really like this series, Natalie! 😄
      Haha, yeah, cliffhangers are awful. 😆

  5. *squeals* Yesssssssssss!!! This book--this series!!! It's just amazing *heart eyes* I actually found this series because of you (thanks a million, friend!!), and I read all seven of them in just a week. Then I had to wait a month for this one, and when I finally got my hands on it, I finished it in an hour xD.
    It was amazing!!! I totally love Emily and Brent's relationship, and Brent's and you-know-who's as well. Oh, and Izzy of course ;):).
    All the plot-twists are amazing, and that cliffhanger had me dying.
    And now I'm rambling, but you must forgive me. I'm still recovering xD.
    P.s. I'm so glad you're back!! And you write some of the best reviews, btw ;)

    1. Gracie!! Thanks bunches for this sweet comment. 😍 I'm so, so glad to know you've read and enjoyed the Emily Abbott series! And I loved hearing your thoughts on "Fair in War." 😄 Hang in there, girl! Cliffhangers don't last forever. 😂

  6. What a great review... ;)


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