Monday, May 27, 2019

Musing #43 - "Elsie Dinsmore," A Weekly Book Review

  Hi friends! How many of you are familiar with that old, valuable series known as Elsie Dinsmore? The books from that series have been my companions ever since I can remember - they used to be my very most favorite reads. As I grew older, I was given the first two books of the series (before that I'd only loaned the books off a family friend). However, the ones I were given - and sadly, I did not realize this until later - were not the originals, but instead changed versions of the old books - dramatically changed versions. One such example of this dramatic change is this:
In the original collection, Martha Finley had Elsie marry her father's old friend, Mr. Edward Travilla. He died of a serious and sudden disease.
In the changed version (the Life of Faith series), Elsie marries Mr. Travilla, but he dies because he's crushed by a tree, and, in those books, Elsie's daughter, Violet, thinks it's all her fault. 
So, my recommendation: read the originals. They're so much better! And they're so beautifully written too - I love the "archaic" style about them. 
Anyway, all that to be said, I would love to do a "weekly book review" for the original series of these delightful stories. There are 28 books total, so that would equal 28 weeks of reviews ;-). 
If you would like to read the first review, you can visit my newest page by clicking HERE, or by going to the tab titled "Martha Finley."


  1. AnonymousMay 27, 2019

    My younger sister, Lacey, loves these books.☺

    1. Really? You'll have to ask her if she agrees with my review :-).
      Does Lacey have a favorite book from the series?

    2. AnonymousMay 27, 2019

      She says she likes all of them. I'll ask her to read your review.
      Btw, I like your new blogger profile picture.☺

    3. Thank you! Marigolds are my FAVORITE!


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