Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Musing #41 - I Suggest a Challenge

 Hi, friends! Did the title of my musing give you a little start? :-)
 But don't worry, it's a fun challenge - one I look forward to undertaking, and one I hope you, too, will join me in doing. 

  Over the past couple of months, I've memorized ten Bible verses - one verse (0r more) per week. 

Matthew 22:37-38
Luke 14:33
John 14:21
John 15:5
John 8:47
Psalm 20:7
Hebrews 11:6
John 5:19
John 14:33

  All the above verses have been (or are being, as I must constantly refresh my mind to keep on track) committed to memory. What made me choose these verses in particular? Henry Blackaby's Experiencing God. (If you haven't done that study yet, you should definitely look into it! It's a really good devotional book, easily findable on Amazon.)
  I have to admit, I'm not very good at memorizing Scripture. I could rattle off the lyrics of almost any one of Casting Crowns' songs the moment you ask me, but I haven't memorized much Scripture - because I have not yet put in the effort.
  What's more, I listen to Casting Crowns practically 24/7 (seriously, I am not joking . . . well, maybe) so is it any wonder that I know their songs so well? Meanwhile, I spend so-and-so much time reading the Bible in the mornings, highlighting the passages I like and asking God to reveal His truth to me, but then I shut the book and that's the end of it.
  It's time for a change.
  I am challenging myself to again memorize one verse a week, and I trust God to show me exactly what verse it is He'd like me to spend my time on. Right now, that verse is Psalm 60:12 - "With God we shall do valiantly; it is He Who will tread down our foes." (If you'd like to know more about this verse's meaning to me, as well as how God has used it in my life, come back this weekend for a post on the subject.)
  Would you like to accept this little challenge of Scripture-memorizing, too? If so, comment below, and, if possible, tell me which verse you're interested in memorizing.
  As said above, I'll try my best to do a post every Saturday, discussing my most recent verse and how God has used it in my life, and I welcome you to share your stories as well. Please note, however, that, depending upon the verse and my thoughts regarding it, the lengths of my Saturday posts may vary.

In the meantime, here is a list of the verses I'd love to memorize:

* 1 Corinthians 13
* Proverbs 20:22
* . . . and more to come later!

Until then,


  1. AnonymousMay 22, 2019

    I am working memorizing Romans 8. It is long, but it is a really good chapter. Have you ever heard of "Bible IS"? It is an app/website where you can listen to the Bible and Jesus film. They have dramatized versions too. They have EVA and NIV, and maybe one more. I listen to it sometimes.

    1. Hi Lilly!
      I love the book of Romans, and I'm so happy to hear that you're putting forth the effort to commit the eighth chapter of Romans to memory!
      No, I haven't heard of "Bible IS," although it sounds like a great website. Thank you for telling me about it! I'd love to look it up at some point.

    2. AnonymousMay 22, 2019

      Ok, I think you'd probably like "Bible IS".

  2. Weirdly, I was thinking of memorizing verses, and then you posted this! I think I'll join you.....

    1. With God there are no coincidences, Izzy! I would love to have you join me in this fun new challenge :-).

  3. I plan to memorize Romans 1:20! :) <3 <3

    1. A great verse to memorize, my sweet friend! :-)


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