Monday, April 29, 2019

Musing #35 - "One Awkward Moment"

"One word, one hand;
Tell me is that too high a price?
One awkward moment
Could be the one that saves a life."

  So runs one of my new favorite songs, Casting Crowns' "One Awkward Moment." It's such a powerful song, and I enjoy listening to it immensely.
  One of my deepest struggles is telling others about Jesus. I "cave to the weight of the fear that [I'm] feeling" and stay away, unsure of what I'd say, how they'd react, on and on and on. 

   I'm sure we can all relate to that moment: in the grocery store, in our own homes, and even on the sidewalk, we bump into people who don't know our Lord, who are going through personal struggles, and who desperately need to know of His precious love and promises.
   But we're too scared to speak.
   Recently, I had an excellent example of just this. I was attending an author's fair at my local library, and one author, a believer of Jesus, got up to speak. After he introduced his book and talked a bit, he asked if there were any questions. A woman who sat next to me raised a disturbing question, "Why do people raise Jesus up on such a pedestal? I mean, He Himself said that we could do everything He has done and more."
  That was my opportunity! But I couldn't think of the words to say. What if I said the wrong thing? I let the speaker respond, but I'm chiding myself now. And get this: all throughout the rest of the fair, the doors kept opening. Almost everyone there were chasing after the wrong things, and their advice seemed empty without the real Truth behind it.
  And yet I kept quiet.
  Think of those lives lost, those hearts desperately searching. Jesus, please help! Strengthen my soul and guide my tongue.
  The next time you meet up with someone who is obviously lost, someone who doesn't know the true joy of having a deep, intimate relationship with our Savior, don't be afraid to speak up. Be bold in your faith, loving in your actions, and kind in your words. 
  Because one awkward moment could be the one that saves a life.


  1. Your such a good writer! Keep it up! And I tagged you on my blog!

  2. I love that Casting Crowns song. This has nothing to do with this subject, but I was reading the HSLDA magazine and I seen you submitted a note to the Homeschool Snapshots section. This is a great post.

  3. BookWorm3,000April 30, 2019


  4. We've all had those moments Ellen. It will happen again, and you may even respond without thinking about it until it's over. That's the Holy Spirit at work in you. You have a heart for the Lord and He'll use you in mighty ways if you're willing - and you are. ~ Abby


Let's talk! Did this post inspire any musings of your own?