Monday, February 15, 2021

Monday Musings // Life Recently

We've gotten several inches of snow every weekend for the last three weeks, which is truly a rare experience to have where we live. Usually there's only one good snowfall a year; sometimes not even that. This past Saturday, a freezing rain made the snow crust over, causing it to break like glass under our feet (my sister especially loved it 😂). I slipped and fell on the ice in our driveway, bruising the heel of my left hand and pulling something in my leg. Thankfully, the pain didn't really set in until later that day, after I got to my feet and went jogging as planned. 😄

School also kept me busy. Bible has always been a huge part of my curriculum, and I was recently assigned a book that at first I was unsure about, but now am really enjoying. It's called The Hour That Changes the World by Dick Eastman, and I would definitely recommend checking it out! You can find it on Goodreads HERE

My family had our own little game night, which was super fun. Mom baked cookies, and I played chess with my brother for the first time in a long while. Grandma was able to join us via video chat. 😁

We celebrated Valentine's Day with dairy-free cinnamon rolls (that Mom made) and candy and flowers (from Grandma). It was awesome! ðŸĪ—

Mom with the flowers Grandma sent. (tulips are her favorite!)
Nothing says true love like chocolate. 😊
(thanks, Grandma!!)
I ran out of storage space on my phone, so I was not able to edit my photos at all this week. 🙄 *ahem* . . . But I figured you guys would enjoy the dump anyway. 😉

The baby swing at our park. No way were we putting Ruby in that thing! ðŸ˜‚

So beautiful, filters or no. 😃

Being goofy together. ðŸĪŠ
Winter wonderland. 😍
Final note: my friend Sandrina is posting regularly again on her blog, From the Notebook!! Her content is very uplifting and fun, so go take a peek and give her a follow! I know she'd love to hear from you. ðŸĨ°

How was your Valentine's Day? Did you get snow? Comment below! 

Ellen S.


  1. We got frozen rain last week, and snow this morning (we're supposed to get anywhere between 7-12 inches today). Sounds like you've had a fun week, Ellen!

    1. Thanks, Lilly!!
      Hope you're enjoying all that snow and staying warm! 😄

  2. Aww fun!! We've had snow on the ground every since February 1st! Which is pretty rare for us... it's pretty, but I just want spring now! 😊

    1. Haha, I'm with you there, Autumn. 😁 I cannot wait to take a walk in lighter clothes and maybe a pair of sandals again! ðŸĨ°

  3. These pictures are gorgeous, Ellen!!

  4. Happy Valentine's day!!! Our yard has been covered in ice too! It's really pretty but also very slippery. I just tagged you on something on my blog!

    1. Fun, fun! I LOVED seeing the ice on our trees. 😍
      Thx for the tag!

  5. Happy Valentine’s Day!
    Glad to hear from you and get a photo dump! 😁

    1. Aw, you're so sweet! Thank you! 😘

  6. loved the photo dump! ❤️ stay warm with all the snow. ;)


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