Monday, April 6, 2020

Release Tour Day #3: Acknowledgements

It's day #3 on The Whispers God Gives blog tour! You guys excited? I sure am. After all, there're only fifteen days left 'til the release!!! I can hardly wait to hold an author copy in my hands and send out happy mail to my giveaway winners. :D Oh, but before you get too excited, no, there're no giveaways yet. That has to wait for just a little while longer. =) 
To add more to your eager anticipation . . . my mom is helping me get the prizes ready, and believe me, this is something you won't want to miss! *wink* Stay tuned! 
Okay, moving on.
Today on the tour is my Acknowledgements page. I wasn't able to include this page in my devotional book, so I thought, "Hey, why not post it right here on the blog?" Here goes!

So many people helped out as I wrote and published The Whispers God Gives. Between emails, phone calls, blog comments, NaNo messages, letters, and hours spent Skyping, these sweet friends never let me give up. They were my constant source of encouragement, and they each deserve a huge thank-you, a plate of chocolate chip cookies, and a hug. With this whole social-distancing and coronavirus thing going on, however, I hope they'll be content with taking these gifts via a virtual route. =) 
Mom, Dad, and all eight of my dear siblings, you guys are simply the best. You laughed with me, you cried with me. You let me talk your ears off and endured every moment of my writing journey, be it either joyous or painful. Every one of you has truly been there for me when I needed it. Mom, your lettering job for the front cover of my book is perfect. I'm so pleased that you were able to do that for me. And Sadie, my sweet two-year-old sister, my inspiration behind so many of the devotions included in The Whispers God Gives . . . you're so loved, baby girl. Never forget it. <3 
Amy Jordan, my fabulous cover designer. Working with you has been a joy, and I absolutely LOVE the finished cover. You willingly put up with my tweaks and persistent thread of emails. I have been so blessed by you. Thanks for everything!
Emma, you listened as I shared the excitement of my heart, and you have been nothing but supportive since the beginning of this whole adventure. Thank you, dear friend - it means so much to me. <3333
Sandrina, my single beta reader and faithful email/pen/Skype pal . . . no words can ever fully describe my debt of gratitude towards you. You're amazing, girl!! 
My team of ARC readers, Kaitlyn, Hosanna, Izzy, Emma, Sandrina, and Mrs. Hickey. Some of you have stuck by me the whole journey, others getting on board nearer the end. Whatever the case may be, I've appreciated all you've done for me and my book baby. :D Keep shining for Jesus!
Mrs. Susan K. Marlow, my mentor, editor, formatter, go-to person . . . for being all this and more to me, THANK YOU. You went above and beyond preparing my manuscript for publication. I couldn't have done it without you. 
Special thanks to all my buddies on NaNo who had to live through my many spur-of-the-moment messages and slog their way through a bunch of links. You all have been sooooo encouraging. Abigail J., thanks so much for starting up the Circle C Writers' Group. Writing and talking with my fellow Andi fans has been amazing. <3
Finally, to all my viewers here on Ellen's Musings, thank you. You guys are wonderful. You listen to my ramblings and take the time to leave a sweet comment or two on every post. I've been flooded with uncountable exclamation marks, along with earnest support and plenty of questions. Could ever a girl ask for more?? 
And of course, I can't end this without turning all credit and praise to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Who truly guided every word I wrote. He's led me in the way I should go and provided for me when I least expected it. I'm not worthy of His love, yet He loves me anyway. The knowledge of this is what keeps me going when I'm down, and what continually spurs me onward to the finish line. He has so many plans in mind for this book, and I'm eager to see just how He uses it to bless others in their walk with Him! <3

And now, just because, a pic of Ruby Jane and me. :D She's two months old now and growing like a weed!

Did you enjoy this post? Are you excited for the next part of the tour? Have any questions? Let's talk in the comments below!


  1. Ruby Jane is so big! I can't wait to hear more about your devotional book! I'll definitely going to consider asking to enter your giveaway. :-)

    1. Hi Lilly! Yep, she certainly is. The weather was warmer here yesterday, so we put her in a onesie for the first time ever. So cute! 😍
      Aw, thanks!! I hope you'll be able to enter! 😊

  2. I am SO excited for your devotional, Ellen!!!! :D And Ruby Jane is getting so big and is absolutely ADORABLE! <3

  3. Great job! Can't wait to read it! (can I safely think that most of the ! came from one of my comments? =D It made me laugh seeing that part.)
    Sweet RubyJane!!!! <3

    1. Thank you, Sawyer Marie! *grins* Yes, I think it would be safe to say that. ;-) Thanks so much for ALL your support (and exclamation marks). It's viewers/commenters like you whom God has used to really encourage me in my writing journey. <3 *hugs*

  4. Again, this is so incredibly exciting! And I am so, so happy to have been your ARC reader. It truly blessed my heart <33

    1. Thank you so much, Izzy!!! Your sweet words brightened my day. <3333

  5. Oh, and one more thing! RUBY IS SO CUTE!!!! You both are!

  6. Oh Ellie! How exciting! Congratulations! I am certainly going to look into buying your devotional!

  7. I love that picture of Ruby and you! This is so exciting , my friend!

    1. Thanks!!! I know, right? Only two weeks left! :D


Let's talk! Did this post inspire any musings of your own?