Sunday, January 19, 2020

A "Braking" Tale (in other words, a hilarious true story you simply have to read)

By Ellen Senechal
(and yes, the events portrayed in this story really happened to the author. Today.)

Weather where I live is so cold right about now. Just yesterday we experienced snow, sleet, and a whole lot of rain. Thus, I had no what I was thinking this morning when I agreed to join my older brother on a bike ride along the main road in our neighborhood. 
I slipped on two coats, one on top the other, a pair of gloves, and my tennis shoes. That should work, I figured. One glance at my pants, however, and I knew I was running a risk. Warm and thick, these pants are my favorite for the wintertime, but they're also really long. From experience, I knew that could prove to be a problem. For a brief moment I considered changing, but then decided against it. It's too cold for capris, and I don't have any jeans.
Long, baggy pants it was then.
The ride started off pleasantly enough. My brother and I biked along the shoulder of the road, observing the people and cars that passed by. I admired the evergreens, sunny sky, and other bits and pieces of nature as we sped along. The air was cold, but refreshing. I tightened my hold around the handlebars and fought to keep up with my brother. 
It was on the way back home that it happened.
I went to push down on the right pedal . . . and realized - too late - it wouldn't budge. Correction, my foot wouldn't budge. I looked down in time to see that the cuff of my pant leg had gotten caught up in the chain protector. 
I was stuck fast.
"Connor!" I shouted, but he was too far ahead to hear me. I raised my voice. "CONNOR!" 
His head swiveled around, and he braked to a stop. "What's wrong?"
"My pants are caught on something!" I hollered. I jerked my leg, but to no avail. Then I tried to pull back on the pedals. Still nothing . . . and now I was headed right for Connor on a bike that (inconveniently) had no way to brake except through the pedals. 
I swerved to keep from hitting him and barreled on. "I can't stop! Help!"
Writing this out now, the incident seems almost funny, but at the time . . . it sure wasn't. It all happened so fast and all I could think was, Stop! STOP! I was too panicked even to pray. I mean, c'mon. I was on the main road, cars going this way and that, and here I was with my pants caught in the gears??? Oh, and great. Just when I was sure things couldn't get any worse, here came an old man and his dogs.
For sure I was gonna hit them.
Desperately, I pawed at the ground with my left foot, but I was going too fast for that to make even a bit of difference. From behind, Connor was shouting. Something about still being able to stop or . . . something. I glanced to my right. Grass. I could run into that . . .
No, it steeped too far downhill, and just beyond were mud puddles and trees. Ick.
Okay, plan B. Try again with the pant leg. I gritted my teeth and gave a violent yank. Yes! My foot was free! But now . . .
Clank, clank, clank.
I'd wrenched the chain protector out of place. Every time I turned the pedals, they collided with the protector. 
Talk about embarrassing, annoying . . . but boy, was I ever thankful to be able to stop again! 😂
And you know what? This little episode served as a reminder to me that, no matter how fast I may feel life is going, God has me. Even when I can't stop the circumstances that surround me, and I feel like I'm about to crash, He has His hands on me. No matter how crazy things become, I can rest in the knowledge that HE > i.


Ellen S.


  1. That is funny xD I know someone that had that happen, so you are not alone.

    1. Yayyyyyyyy! Thanks for sharing, Elate. It's good to know I'm not the only one with a "braking" tale. 😂😂😂

  2. So glad you're both 😁 fun story!

    1. Thanks, Sandrina! (I'm glad too. 😂)

  3. Oh Ellie! I am so sorry! I feel terrible for laughing, but i can just imagine you barreling past Connor! The scrapes we teenagers can get ourselves into, even when we're not trying, lol! So so glad you are okay though!! ~Caleigh

    1. Haha, no worries. Now that it's all over, I find myself laughing too. 😂 And, although it was super creepy at the time, the fact that I "barreled" past my big brother makes me grin as well. 😉
      Thanks for commenting, Caleigh!

  4. Oooh! I loved the pictures! It really brought your story to life. And honestly! I had not read this before I wrote the Andi bicycle story, LOL.
    What sparked that idea was my desperately trying to think of a quickie Old West Wednesday post. I scrolled through the Ancient Archives and stumbled on the Bicycle post. And so I decided to write a story instead, with Andi. And I knew it had to take place in an actual city with cobblestone streets, which ruled out Fresno's dusty streets.
    Such a coincidence about your biking experience. VERY VERY scary.
    Ellie had a huge crash and burn on their steep hill driveway (gravel) at their place in Colville (before they moved to Andi country).


Let's talk! Did this post inspire any musings of your own?