Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Musing #49 - Go to the Ant!

  Have you ever closely observed an ant? They're hard-working little creatures, and they persevere no matter what the circumstances. That's no doubt why the Proverbs tell us, "Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise." (Proverbs 6:6) 
  However, there's more we can learn from the ant than just this.

  Ants may be hard-working, but they're not all that smart. We've recently had a "kitchen invasion" of these little bugs, and we had to set up a trap for them on our wall. One by one they marched in, scooped up their share of the poison, ate it, and died. The trap was filling up with their dead bodies, and yet more and more ants, seemingly unaware of the fact that they were walking to their doom, continued to come in and feast.
  But even with the silliness of these ants, God is using them! They may not be smart, but they are strong and make for excellent workers, and they are being held up as examples to the lazy people of this world. 
   God made these ants, and He has a purpose for them.
   How much more so does He have a purpose for each one of us - we whom He has made in His Image and placed on this earth to serve Him! 
   Each of us has been equipped with exactly what we need to pursue God's will for our lives, and we don't have to be perfect to serve Him. We don't have to be talented in all areas of life to be vessels for Christ! 
   I know I, for one, love to write and to encourage others. These are my gifts, the talents God gave me especially, and because of that I value them highly. 
   As soon as you find your own precious, God-given gift, pursue it. It may take time to develop. Your gift may even seem small and insignificant to you compared to someone else's gift - or even the gift that you wish you had - but this is your gift, that God chose exclusively for you, and He has big plans in mind for you. 
   No matter what, God will use you, so rest in Him and in His better judgement for your life. He will never let you down.


  1. AnonymousJune 05, 2019

    Have you ever heard of the song, "Go to the Ant"?

    1. No, I haven't . . .
      What is the song about?

    2. AnonymousJune 05, 2019

      It is taken from Proverbs. Here is the link:

    3. Thank you! I went to the link and enjoyed the song :-). Very nice!

  2. BookWorm3,000June 05, 2019



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