Monday, February 11, 2019

Musing #22 - A New Review

Hi, everyone! I've recently finished enjoying a new book, and I put up a review for it in my "Book Reviews" page. You can find it either by clicking the tab, or going HERE.


  1. Great book review! I really want to read that one! ;)

    1. Thanks, Brooklyne! I really enjoyed "The Mystery of the Midnight Trespassers." :-)

  2. I love book reviews! By the way, if you love family adventures, author C.R. Hedgcock's series: The Baker Family Adventures is awesome! The parents are always involved, and they keep the Lord at the center of their lives.

    1. Hi Emily! You’ve read C.R’s books? They are awesome aren’t they! They just keep getting better and better, eighth one is coming out this year? Just wondering where you part of the thousandth of comments thing on the Q&A post?
      Keep reading!

    2. Yes! I'm happy to meet another C.R. Hedgcock fan! The books are SO good! The plot has thickened so much over the course of the series, as the Bakers get deeper into international secrets and conspiracy. I'm not sure when the next book is coming out, but last I heard she was working on it. I can't wait to read it! I can't remember about the Q&A, probably, though : )

    3. Yes, I fully agree! Hunting in The Highlands was AWESOME!!!
      What was your favourite part?


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