Saturday, July 20, 2019

Musing #65 - Chapter 5

Andrea Carter Prescott and the Return of the Outlaws
CHAPTER 5. Go HERE to start this story from the beginning.

Two days more and the weary group trotted into “camp”—a small area littered with tents, small sheds, and little buildings, much like Procopio’s camp had been. Children ran and squealed; women tended fires; men sawed wood and prepared their guns for hunting.
          Andi was so hungry she could’ve eaten half a steer all by herself. The appetizing odor of chili made her stomach growl. 
          After they had dismounted, Amos headed for a cooking pot hung over a small fire. Once again, the others followed.
         “Lily, that chili almost done?” Amos inquired of a petite young woman bent over the pot.
         The woman straightened, and Andi gasped. Lily was as white as Andi herself, although one could hardly tell, as her tan was deep. Her hair was a dark, pretty color of auburn and was drawn into a bun that lay against her neck in a dejected manner. Her sea-green eyes told their sorrowful tale of hard work. Her whole being—in its drooping, hopeless manner—wailed the news—this woman was a captive who worked as the Mexicans’ servant.

          Poor thing! Andi’s hands closed tightly into fists. Her blood boiled with anger. No one has a right to do this to an innocent person!
          “Yes, sir, Señor Amos,” Lily said meekly in broken Spanish. Her language was heavily accented. She faltered with the Spanish words.
          She looks Irish, Andi thought.
          Lily ladled helpings of thick, hot bean chili into bowls and gave one to each person. Andi smiled and took hers, but Lily did not look her in the face.
          Andi greedily gulped down her chili, making sure not one bean escaped her mouth. Her stomach rumbled and the baby expressed his or her delight at the filling meal.
          “You make good chili,” Andi whispered to Lily as she came by to collect the bowls.
          For a brief moment, Lily’s eyes lit up. Just as quickly, the shine disappeared. Lily nodded simply and moved on.
          Andi watched her go until Amos began barking orders again.
          “That cabin back there”—he pointed—“is yours. Get going to it.”
          Andi fled, happy for a chance to escape the outlaws, if only for a little while. The welcome sight of two old cots set up in the cabin’s corners sent a surge of unexpected joy through her. The cots were made up of nothing more than hay and old, worn-to-threads sheets, but to Andi’s sleep-hungry eyes they were welcome surprises.
          Quickly she pulled her hot, achy, swollen feet from her boots and threw herself onto a cot. A moment later, she was fast asleep.

          “Miss? Miss? Mrs. Prescott? You might want to wake up.”
          Andi tossed her head. No, don’t disturb me. It’s the most wonderful dream.
          She could feel wind on her face and the baby in her arms. Riley was right beside her as they raced on Shasta and Dakota.
          It’s such a good dream! Leave me alone!
          “Miss, please wake up.”
          The voice was persistent, and Andi was already half-awake. She knew that the speaker of the voice was the kind that wouldn’t give up until Andi obeyed, so she forced her heavy eyes to open. She dragged herself to a sitting position against the wall, and all thought of her glorious dream vanished.
          She was still here, in this wretched camp. Outside the cabin walls she heard shouting and Spanish-speaking voices. Sitting beside her on the cot was Lily, the woman she’d seen earlier that… And’s brow scrunched up in thought. How long has it been? Is this the same day?
          On seeing her awake, Lily let out a breath and patted her hand. “It’s good you’re awake, Miss,” she said.
          “Why?” Andi asked, suppressing a yawn.
          “I heard the jefe telling Señora Rodendo that you’re a servant now, too. The two of us must get up early and go to bed late and do many chores.”
          “Oh.” Andi nodded, then stuck out a hand and smiled slightly. “I’m Andrea Carter Prescott, but please call me Andi.”
          Lily shook her hand tentatively, but she didn’t smile. “I’m Lily Peterson Cornwallis.”
          “You’re married?”
          “Yes. I have a handsome son, too.” The momentary light entered Lily’s eyes again, then was snuffed out quickly with her following words, “My poor little John; he was an angel. Looked just like me, too. Then I was taken away from him.”
          Andi’s breath caught in her throat. “I’m sorry. How were you taken captive?”
          Lily bit her lip. “I’ve told you too much already.”
          “Please, Lily, you can trust me,” Andi pleaded.
          Lily shook her head determinedly. “I’m sorry, no.”
          Andi opened her mouth, but just then the door flung open, and both women looked at the entrance.
          Mateo Vega stood there.

What do you think happens next? Feel free to leave your guesses in the comments below!

Chapter 6 makes its appearance tomorrow. Stay tuned!


  1. Oh! Tomorrow can not come fast enough.

    1. BookWorm3,000July 20, 2019

      I agree! :-)


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