
Friday, November 20, 2020

A Lesson on Time

Yesterday afternoon I brought my siblings (ages two, six, and eight years old) along with me to take a walk, snap a couple pictures, and pick up the mail. We shared lots of smiles and tucked away some priceless memories. Life would be so boring without these sweet lil' kiddos!

Sadie and me. <3

And, as this outing helped remind me, I've recently been challenged to think of how I use the time God has gifted me with. Life is so fleeting, and each passing moment so precious. How, then, can I best serve my family, friends, and, ultimately, Jesus with the way I utilize my days here on earth? 

Wellll, for starters, I must be ready to die to self, even when it seems really, really hard. 

Those occasions when I'm on a roll with my writing and a sister asks to be held? Yep. When I'm in the middle of reading a book and Mom wants help with supper? Yes. When a diaper needs changing, or clothes have to be laid out, or a mental picture of that dirty sink in the bathroom bubbles up right as I sit down to watch a favorite episode of I Love Lucy? Yes, yes, YES.

Our time is not our own. We were put here to be stewards for God in every aspect of life, be it time, money, or otherwise. 

And if it's not what He wants me doing right now, nothing - not surfing the blogosphere, not pouring into the Word document I'm hoping to finish and publish, not reading the new book I've been waiting for - will ever even come close to matching the glory of the Kingdom work Christ has set before me to carry out. 

It's a constant battle to us all to stick to this mindset, but one that with Christ's help can be conquered. I encourage each one of you to pray today for patience and wisdom as you seek to live out every second of your life for God's glory. May we never lose sight of the reward that awaits us at the finish line! 

Click the video below to listen to an encouraging song by one of my favorite contemporary Christian artists, Jeremy Camp.  

Ellen S.


  1. ❤ Such a great reminder. I'm often reminded of this in many aspects of life.

  2. Wonderful! this has been on my mind a lot since my great Grandparents are about to pass away, looking at their lives. I can see between 3 different grandparents how they spent their lives.
    Was it worthwhile?

  3. EXCELLENT reminder, Ellen!! <33 Thanks!

  4. This post--just . . . yes to everything! I really needed this reminder, Ellen . . . thank you!! <3 <3
    P.s. That pic of you and Sadie is just the cutest <3

  5. This is a beautiful post. A great reminder to "not miss what he has for us"! Thank you so much for this, Ellen!

  6. What a great call to die to self--I really needed this. :) <3


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