
Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Release Tour Day #5: The Second Giveaway

Hi friends!! It's Day #5 on the The Whispers God Gives blog tour, and you know what that means . . . *cue drum roll and intense appluase* a WINNER from last week's giveaway is at long last revealed, and the second and final giveaway announced. Since I know you're skipping this intro to get to that part of the post anyway, let's jump right into it!
Without further ado, the winner is . . . 



Congrats, Marion! Please send your mailing address to my email (found in the comments below) ASAP, and I'll ship out your prizes as soon as my author copies come in! :D
Thank you ALL so much for your enthusiastic entries! You guys are the best. =)
Now on to the second giveaway!
Once again, thanks to my wonderful mother (be sure to give her a huge "thank-you" in the comments below, y'all) the prizes include a . . .

*signed paperback copy of The Whispers God Gives
*handmade tag
*necklace and Scripture cards
*fun notecard and several stickers

Ready to know how to enter this giveaway??
The rules are super simple and about the same as the last giveaway. Only this time, there are six ways to enter.

Follow Ellen's Musings (via either email or blogger)
Mark The Whispers God Gives as to-read on Goodreads
Follow my Amazon and Goodreads author pages (two entries)
Spread the news about this giveaway on any social media site or with a friend
Comment below and tell me one thing God has whispered to you amidst all this COVID-19 craziness 

I'm super excited about this, and I hope you guys are too. :-) (And yes, I switched up the font for this post. I was in the mood for something new and different. You'll have to let me know how like it. ;D)
Okay, before I sign off, here're a few final tidbits to keep in mind for this giveaway . . . 

*it's open to USA residents only
*you have from now until April 21st (RELEASE DAY!!!!!!!) to submit your entries for a chance to win all the fantastic prizes pictured above

Have fun, and don't forget to comment and let me know how many entries I should credit you for! <3


Ellen S.


  1. Hi Ellen! Fun! Congrats, Marion!
    1. Following Ellen's Musings
    2. I marked "The Whispers God Gives as to-read on Goodreads
    3. I'm following your Amazon and Goodreads author pages
    4. I told a friend about your giveaway
    5. God never promised to keep us safe from every illness that goes around, but he did promise, that, if we died from a illness, and we loved him, we'd go to Heaven.
    That's all the things I did, BTW. And great prizes!

    1. So, that's six entries, I guess. Tell your mom "Thank you!" :-)

  2. Congrats Marion!
    I follow your blog.
    I shared it with a friend.
    God has reminded me He is in control and He'll work things out for His glory. Three entries.

    1. Oh, and tell your mom thanks for helping you find wonderful prizes for the giveaway!

  3. Congratulations, Marion!!


  4. I followed your blog.
    Marked "The whispers God gives".
    Followed your authors page on good reads. And God put this virus of covid here so that we can examine our hearts.

  5. Okay, here's my entry, I probably didn't succeed at being the first, though ;P

    I follow Ellen's Musings
    I told a friend
    A whisper God has given me during COVID-19 is, We will get through this, morning will come.

    And more, but I'm not quite sure how to explain it without making this a REALLY long comment...


  6. This is so cool! i followed you on goodreads
    and i am following you through email
    and one thing God has taught me through all of this is i need to pray through the hard times and i also told my mom about this :)
    i marked The Whispers God Gives to-read (Goodreads)
    Oh! and by way i like the font ;)


  7. All 6 done. :)

    God's been whispering for me to use this time to glorify Him through my creativity. Whether writing, art, poetry, singing, or piano, I am aiming to glorify him in my art. Lately, I've been striving hard to do this and he's been blessing me in it.

  8. Dose already following you and already sharing your giveaway on my blog for last time count? Or do I need to do it again?

    1. If you're still following me and continuing to advertise for my giveaway, it counts. :-) Put you down for 2 entries?

    2. Thanks. Yes I am still advertising and of COURSE I am still following you. I will be doing more to enter I just had to ask those questions =D

    3. I would follow you on Goodreads but am currently not allowed to have it.So, you can count me for 3!
      1) I follow you
      2) I have shared this
      3) The whisper God has given me is that the fight is already won. And even when it seems like this world is complete darkness, there is still light. <3

      Thank you for doing this!

  9. Hi there :) I am following your blog, following your Goodreads author page, and It marked The Whispers God Gives as to-read on Goodreads! Thus, three entries. Whether I win or not, I can't wait to read your devotional! :D

  10. Hi Ellen!
    Yay! Another fun giveaway!!!
    I have done all of the above, (6)
    And a whisper he has given me is that he will always be here for us...:-)

  11. I love the new font! So fun! One thing God has shown me is that even if my world is turned upside down, and big plans cancelled, He is more precious than any of that. We can trust Him.

  12. Aargh, I wish I was in America... That tag looks really pretty!
    I'm followimg you now though anyway! ;D

    ~ Jemima |

  13. I don’t do Goodreads, but I follow your blog and author page. God’s been reminding me that during this seemingly shaky and uncertain times, He never changes, and that none of what’s happening is a surprise to Him.

  14. -I am following your blog
    -Your book is on my To Read list on Goodreads!
    -I am Following you on Amazon (through my parents account) and Goodreads!
    -I have shared your book on my blog and have been excitingly talking to friends and family about it!!! :D
    -There are many whispers God has given me during this COVID-19 pandemic, but one that has really been on my mind is this: God is in control and if we put our trust in Him we don't have to be afraid. Though we might not see it now this is all working out for His glory, and it is beautiful!!! ♡

    So excited for you Ellen! This must be an exciting time for you. :D

  15. YAY! Congratulations, Marion!

  16. Hey Ellen! I'm so excited for you for your upcoming release!!!
    I've done all the listed things for the giveaway..tho I should've been following your blog a long time ago. XD
    What has God been whispering to me during all of this? Be still. Choose joy. Pay attention to the little things in life. Instead of wishing for different circumstances, live in the moment. Live life to the fullest, right here, right now. <3

  17. Congratulations Marion! Ellen, I just want to thank you so much for doing this. It gives some of us so much to look forward to, even if we don't win! Anyway.....
    1.I am currently following you
    2. I posted this on Pinterest
    3. I've heard God whisper to me that I need to put him first, and trust him with what the future holds. I don't need to worry, because He's got this!

  18. I follow your blog, have shared it with friends and a whisper God has given me during this crazy covid is, Do not be afraid!


  19. I'll be on here at 6:30 tonight!!!!!!!!!!!! (my time)

  20. I'm not sure if my earlier comment went thru or not (I think I forgot to say I'm not a robot :D)...but here are my (5) entries (if I'm not too late...if so, that's fine - I'm bad for doing somethings last minute :D).

    I follow your blog via email.
    I marked it to-read on Goodreads.
    I follow you on Goodreads.
    I shared it with a friend.
    And here's my whisper: Thru all of this, God has given me an incredible peace. Instead of worrying about it, it's like I can feel God telling me, "I'm in control...there's really nothing worth you worrying about. Just trust me to take care of you - like I always do."
    -Abby J.

  21. 1. Follow Ellen's Musings (via either email or blogger). Check!
    2. Spread the news about this giveaway on any social media site or with a friend. Told a friend!
    3. Comment below and tell me one thing God has whispered to you amidst all this COVID-19 craziness. He's STILL in control and on His throne, even in all this chaos. <3

    Awesome giveaway! :D <3


Let's talk! Did this post inspire any musings of your own?